European Journal of Transformation Studies

About EJTS

The European Journal of Transformation Studies is a result of cooperation between scholars from Central and Eastern Europe. It focuses on social, cultural, political and economic issues which are important for this part of Europe, however topics presented in the journal concern also other themes, e.g. global crisis or terrorism. Some issues have a mono-thematic character, e.g. aforementioned global crisis, conflict in Ukraine as well as social perception of the nuclear energy. The journal was established in 2013. Publishing activity is based on social work of editors and reviewers. We created an international platform of exchange of opinions and ideas which engaged representatives of various disciplines from social sciences and humanities derived from different countries.

The journal is characterized by a high level of internationalization of authorship as well as membership in the scientific advisory board. It has a clear defined editorial policy. In April 2015 it has been indexed in database ERIH Plus and in 2017 in Emerging Sources Citation Index being a part of Web of Science. It is our greatest success. Georgian think-tank Europe Our House is the main publisher. It publishes the journal in cooperation with Department of Political Science at the University of Gdansk (Poland), Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (Slovakia) as well as Research Institute of European Policy (Poland). We wish the journal to be a magnificent voice of scholars from Central and Eastern Europe in the political and international discourses.


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Editorial Board

Photo of Arkadiusz Modrzejewski

Arkadiusz Modrzejewski


University of Gdansk, Poland

He studied Political and Social Sciences at University of Gdansk (Poland), where he also obtained a doctoral degree (2003). Habilitated in Political Theory at Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences at Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (2014). Currently he is working as an university professor in the Department of Political Science at University of Gdansk. His academic focus is political philosophy as well as identity issues. He is a chairperson of Executive Board of Research Institute of European Policy as well as honorary chairman of Europe Our House and chairman of its Scientific Council.

Photo of Jaroslav Mihálik

Jaroslav Mihálik


Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Trnava, Slovakia"

Doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Mihálik is a Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences at UCM and Head of the Political Sciences Department. He received PhD. in Political Theory at Comenius University in Bratislava and habilitated at UCM Trnava in Public Policy and Administration. His publications cover youth studies, extremism, media analyses and social networks, comparative politics and public administration and public policy. He has been a researcher and team leader in various international and domestic project schemes such as 7th Framework Programme and Horizon 2020 of the European Commission, Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chair in Migration, International Visegrad Fund and Slovak scientific grant scheme VEGA.

Photo of Edita Poórová

Edita Poórová


Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Trnava, Slovakia

Edita Poórová has worked at UCM Trnava as an English language teacher since 2003. She has also been a Vice-Dean for International relations. Edita graduated at Comenius University in Bratislava, achieving the qualification of English and Russian teacher. She received PhD. at Charles University in Prague. The subject of her scientific and research activities is English for specific purposes and students’ assessment in higher education.

Photo of Andrii Kutsyk

Andrii Kutsyk


Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine

Andrii Kutsyk obtained MA degree culture studies at Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University (Lutsk, Ukraine) in 2017. In April 2022 he obtained doctoral degree in philosophy. The field of research covers the field of social philosophy, philosophy of politics, media culture. Twice received a research grant from Visegrad fund (Theme of research: «The phenomenon of social networks as a factor in globalization of culture: through the prism of Polish-Ukrainian relations») (2018, 2019) and is a graduate «Scholarship Program of the Government of the Republic of Poland for Young Academicians» (2017). У 2015-2016 served an internship at Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Parliament information management system).

Photo of Paweł Nieczuja–Ostrowski

Paweł Nieczuja–Ostrowski


University of Gdansk, Poland

PhD in political science at the University of Warsaw, an assistant professor at the Departmen of History and Political Science (IHiP) at the Pomeranian University in Słupsk, head of the Political Analysis Team at the IHiP, the chairman of the Executive Board and co-founder of the Research Institute of Armenian Studies (IBO), a member of the Polish Historical Society, the Armenian Union in Gdańsk, and the Executive Board of the Research Institute for European Policy. In 2016 he was a visiting professor at the State University of Wanadzor in Armenia and the Mersin University in Turkey. In 2017 he was a member of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission for the parliamentary elections in the Republic of Armenia. In 2018 he completed an internship at the Yerevan State University (Armenia).

Photo of Tamar Gamkrelidze

Tamar Gamkrelidze

Europe Our House, Tbilisi, Georgia

Tamar Gamkrelidze obtained doctoral degree at Ilia State University in Tbilisi in 2020. Moreover, she is analumna of Academic Swiss Caucasus Net, Erasmus Mundus EUROEAST, Latvian State Research Fellowship and Open Society Institute scholarship networks. Currently, Tamar holds a position of a researcher at Europe Our House. In 2010 she obtained her master’s degree in European Studies from Maastricht University, the Netherlands. Earlier, Tamar worked as a RTA Assistant (EC Resident Twinning Advisor) at the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. Her research interests lie in the fields of identity studies, EU external affairs, EU integration, and discourse theory. She was the first editor-in-chief of EJTS.

Photo of Tatiana Tökölyová

Tatiana Tökölyová

University College of International and Public Affairs in Bratislava, Slovakia

PhD. graduated in political sciences and in Russian and English languages. She works for University College of International and Public Relations in Prague (Education and Consultation Institute in Bratislava). In her academic research, she is focused mostly on identity issues in small state´s foreign policy, trans-regionalism, and here mostly on Asian – Pacific regionalism. Moreover, she is in long-term cooperation with various European universities as visiting professor and researcher, and she is an author of several scientific studies and research articles, chapters in domestic as well as foreign publications and monographs. She is a member of the New Zealand Studies Council of the New Zealand Studies Association and a member of Advisory Board of Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies.

Photo of Rafał Raczyński

Rafał Raczyński

Research Insitute for European Policy, Poland

Ph.D. in political science with a specialization in international relations, vice-chairman of RIEP, chief research officer in Emigration Museum in Gdynia. He studied Political Science at the University of Gdańsk (2007), Personnel Management at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (2014) and graduated from the European School at the Faculty of Management and Economics at Gdańsk University of Technology (2009). He delivered guest lectures at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius (Slovakia), National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (Romania) and the University of Naples Federico II (Italy). He managed and implemented several scientific, educational, training and advisory projects co-financed, among others, by the European Union.