The European Journal of Transformation Studies is a result of cooperation between scholars from Central and Eastern Europe. It focuses on social, cultural, political and economic issues which are important for this part of Europe, however topics presented in the journal concern also other themes, e.g. global crisis or terrorism. Some issues have a mono-thematic character, e.g. aforementioned global crisis, conflict in Ukraine as well as social perception of the nuclear energy. The journal was established in 2013. Publishing activity is based on social work of editors and reviewers. We created an international platform of exchange of opinions and ideas which engaged representatives of various disciplines from social sciences and humanities derived from different countries.
The journal is characterized by a high level of internationalization of authorship as well as membership in the scientific advisory board. It has a clear defined editorial policy. In April 2015 it has been indexed in database ERIH Plus and in 2017 in Emerging Sources Citation Index being a part of Web of Science. It is our greatest success. The main publisher is Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Political Science. It publishes the journal in cooperation with Department of Political Science at the University of Gdansk (Poland), Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (Slovakia) as well as Research Institute of European Policy (Poland). We wish the journal to be a magnificent voice of scholars from Central and Eastern Europe in the political and international discourses.